The Brief in Brief

  • To create a live magazine-style show to be streamed from the Fèis Ìle whisky festival.
  • To repurpose the live content to produce evergreen content for Bevvy's whisky tasting video database.
  • Created engaging, good looking films for Bevvy’s social channels.
  • Output a high volume of content to increase Bevvy’s portfolio of tasting films.

The Results

The live streams were a popular resource for fans of both Bevvy and Fèis, and given that Islay is fairly remote, provided an ideal way for people to get a taste of the festival if they were unable to travel.

The films further cemented Bevvy's brand as part of the experience for all whisky festivals.

Horlicks TVC


Ultrafabrics - Poetry of Colour


Bevvy Live

Producing a live magazine show for a whisky brand from a remote Scottish island


The brief in brief

  • To create a live magazine-style show to be streamed from the Fèis Ìle whisky festival.
  • To repurpose the live content to produce evergreen content for Bevvy's whisky tasting video database.
  • Created engaging, good looking films for Bevvy’s social channels.
  • Output a high volume of content to increase Bevvy’s portfolio of tasting films.

The results

The live streams were a popular resource for fans of both Bevvy and Fèis, and given that Islay is fairly remote, provided an ideal way for people to get a taste of the festival if they were unable to travel.

The films further cemented Bevvy's brand as part of the experience for all whisky festivals.

The full story

We’ve produced well over a hundred different tasting films with Bevvy over the last year or so and have been lucky enough to witness (and taste!) a wide range of incredible bottles of whisky being opened, even some that were made in the Victorian Era! It’s been a great journey so far and the team has developed an...expensive taste!

Fèis Ìle is the annual whisky festival on the Southern Hebridean island of Islay, and is one of the world’s most famous whisky festivals. We travelled with the Bevvy team to Fèis for the second time in two years, but this time we were briefed to put together a magazine-style show that would stream live for each of the 9 days of the event, tying in daily streams with each different distillery’s open day for that year. We visited almost all of the distilleries on the island, interviewing master distillers and distillery managers, tasting a few drams and exploring the beautiful scenery. With some epic backdrops captured in sweeping drone shots, some fantastic whisky and some great conversations, the films streamed live every day of the festival. This is the first time that any Fèis content was live streamed from Islay!

don't take it from uS
See more work
A poetry reading film for broadcast at the Rugby League World Cup
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