The Brief in Brief

  • Create animated music videos that are fun and narrative
  • To consistently engage our target demographic of young children
  • To make the series feel cohesive whilst maintaining the uniqueness of each individual song

The Results

  • Over 2 million YouTube views
  • Our characters have been turned into colouring sheets for children
  • Our videos have been developed into live-action dance-alongs to further engage our viewers
  • We're really excited to work with Wonderpop and Magic Star on future music videos





Wonderpop Music Videos

A series of children's music videos for Sony Music's Magic Star label


The brief in brief

  • Create animated music videos that are fun and narrative
  • To consistently engage our target demographic of young children
  • To make the series feel cohesive whilst maintaining the uniqueness of each individual song

The results

  • Over 2 million YouTube views
  • Our characters have been turned into colouring sheets for children
  • Our videos have been developed into live-action dance-alongs to further engage our viewers
  • We're really excited to work with Wonderpop and Magic Star on future music videos

The full story

Our animation team has been developing the visual style, characters, and narrative structure for Wonderpop to make a series of music videos across their whole catalogue, with more to come this year! Wonderpop is a children’s music artist on Magic Star, the children’s record label division of Sony Music, and have provided hits such as The Santa Belly Bump, Faithy the Fairy Unicorn, and of course, Wash Ya Hands (to name but a few!). 

Creating content for a target audience of 3-5 year olds was really new and exciting for the team, and the exciting challenges and opportunities presented by this project enabled us to really get creative with character design, as well as in the long-term aspects. We really got to know the Wonderpop team and how they wanted to position themselves, and they trusted us to develop the brief. With this in mind, we created a changing intro sequence seen on Wonderpop videos, to build their artist identity across the series. And with our target audience in mind, the toys seen leaping out of the box both build anticipation for the upcoming video, as well as engage the child with eye contact - plus, our character design gets shown some extra spotlight as we change the central toy figure on each video to reflect the main character of the song. We also introduced the consistent bird characters seen across the whole series! 

We didn’t just create animated music videos, either - we also developed the project into a wider series including dance tutorials and live action videos to complement Wonderpop’s offering. As the relationship and the work grew, we were able to expand the team and recruit a dedicated animator (the fabulous Jack [link to team page]) with the right character design and specific animation style and skills to handle Wonderpop’s account with us. 

There were a few more things that were key to consider - in the videos that contain live action work, as well as across our animated characters, it was essential to us that we portrayed a balanced and diverse cast of characters. And we really enjoyed the range of creators we worked with to bring this vision to life, too, which included featured talent, choreography team, the artist themselves and more!

We’re loving developing our relationship with Wonderpop and continuing to build on a really fun body of animated videos. We’re looking forward to working on even more exciting projects together, so watch this space!

don't take it from uS
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