The Brief in Brief

To produce a creative and engaging case study film for an architectural design firm

The Results


Never Quit Quitting




Ultrafabrics - Poetry of Colour

A case study film for an architectural design firm


The brief in brief

To produce a creative and engaging case study film for an architectural design firm

The results

The full story

We worked with international materials company Ultrafabrics and UK-based architectural design firm, Jasper Sanders + Partners, to create a stylish case study film that explores the ethos and approach that JS+P take to their commercial projects, and how they use materials from Ultrafabrics to complete their work.

Wanting to give the project an artistic and contemporary approach, we mixed 8mm camera footage with ultra high definition 6K cameras for the interviews and cutaway shots.

don't take it from uS
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An animation for a Cybersecurity company with hand drawn characters, knights & castles
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